Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Business Cards for Billy Amos

I had the pleasure of recreating some business cards for my father in law. He previously had some business cards made which had 'The Roman Road' on the back of the card. Mr. Billy had since handed all of those out and was no longer in touch with the person who made the original cards for him, so he asked if I could recreate the cards. I think it is such a neat idea and a great intro for your giving your testimony to have The Roman Road on the back of your business card! Here is the final product:

Front of Card

Back of Card

$.30/card for one-sided Matte Business Card
$.40/card for two-sided Matte Business Card
$.40/card for one-sided Glossy Business Card
$.50/card for two-sided Glossy Business Card*
*Please note only one side of these will be glossy, the other side is matte

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